Monday, May 12, 2008

不是国产车的国产车 The So-Called National Car

我是一个爱车人, 只是因为阮囊羞涩, 没有含著银汤匙出示, 无法像"有水之人"那样阁三两年就换一部新车"玩玩". 加上心里一直认为汽车是消耗品, 不是资产, 所以目前代步的二手车也已经驾了7年.

I am a car lover. Unlike some rich people who can change their cars every two or three years, I cannot afford that. Moreover, I always think that car is just a consumable, not an asset. Hence, my second-hand car has been my mean of transportation for 7 years.

然而每逢新车面市, 或在马路上看到一部漂亮的汽车, 我都会忍不住多望两眼. 出自补偿心理吧, 通过各种管道, 掌握时下的车市潮流, 甚至还花一些时间比较各款车的技术规格. 纯粹是纸上作业, 倒也自得其乐.

However, when there is any new car arrival or a beautiful car rolling on the road, I cannot help myself but stare at them. In order to get hold of the latest car trend and fulfill my satisfaction, I refer to various sources available and I even spend time to make comparison between specifications of different cars.

早在去年市场就传出第二国产车会推出新的四轮驱动车, 而这款车在前天终于揭开其神秘面纱. 这款新车名叫"海皇" (NAUTICA), 取代已经有多年历史, 并在2006年就停产的KEMBARA.

Having been announced its arrival early last year, the new car model was finally revealed recently. It was named Nautica and this model replaced the Kembara which had been discontinued in 2006.

这部新车外形活脱脱就是一部丰田RUSH或大发TERIOS, 外形不可说不亮丽. 然而当我看到它价钱时, 下巴差一点掉了下来. 9万大元? 有没有搞错?

This new model is barely a Toyota Rush or Daihatsu Terios, its external design is undeniably attractive but I am shocked by its price. 90k Ringgit? Gosh!

车身不过比KEMBARA略大, 马力更不过增加区区200CC至1500CC, 售价却猛增近40%, 有多少第二国产车的拥趸有能力支持? 第二国产车的售价向来都在6万以下, 难道这部海皇将设下新的标杆?

The body size is just slightly bigger than Kembara while its house power increment is just between 200cc and 1500cc. However, its selling price is brought up to 40%. How many Perodua supporters can afford that? What is more, the selling price of Perodua cars have always been lower than 60k...Is the introduction of Nautica meant to set a new record?

后来知道这部海皇是整辆入口, 才明白其昂贵价格的由来. 但另一个问题马上浮现了. 难道第二国产车打算重新打造它的品牌, 将其价廉物美的企业形象改造成价昂物美? 该公司是否在尝试组重组核心业务和市场区隔, 海皇表示该品牌已经往新的海域挺进?

After knowing that Nautica is wholly imported, I understand the main factor that contributes to its rather expensive price. However, another question arises... Is Perodua going to reintroduce its brand by transforming its former motto "quality products at affordable price" to "quality product equals price"? OR... Is Perodua trying to reconstruct and adapt a new marketing strategy?

但是无论怎么说, 贴上国产车徽章的车, 尽管在日本制造和装配, 也不应该买卖得比韩国车, 甚至比日本车贵. 当初喊得震天响的成立宗旨, 可不能在15年后来个狸猫换太子.

Whatever it is, the selling price of the so-called national car (which is manufactured and assembled in Japan) should not be more expensive than Korean or instead Japanese vehicles!
The once highly-welcomed motto should be retained!

执政党在一些州属不执政, 我们还是管叫它执政党, 它也以执政党的气势面向大众, 让人不敢小觑. 但是如果国产车有些车款不是国产, 我们即使还叫它国产车, 它肯定也已经违背了当初设立的宗旨. 国家还有理由对它挹注大量的资源吗?

摘自: 刘敬文<<春风草木>>
打字: Terence HYC
翻译: Terence HYC (若有出错,请多包含)


chee fei said...


Allow me to congratulate you on the post. Writing in Chinese and having the translation really helps.

I too think that the motto should be reviewed. Since they claim to be Malaysian, but having it fully assembled and made overseas instead.

And no doubt that that car is extremely pricey for a Perodua.

But I think it's a good way to test a new marketing strategy, to see if they can play in a bigger league.. by coming out with a more expensive car. Surely for that price, one can opt for a decent foreign car or even a high end local one such as the top of the line Persona, which would still cost less..

The car will sell, but don't bank on it to make big numbers like the Kelisa or the Kancil. Maybe some will get it out of patriotism, some might actually think it's a bargain etc.

Having said that, I think it's a good place for them to start this new marketing ploy. Guys at Perodua admitted of not having high hopes of big sales, but rather them testing with new technology and a higher priced car.

Expect Proton to come out with a response soon I reckon..

cheers mate and keep writing..

Terence HYC said...

Thanks, Chee Fei!

Truly appreciate your comment.

I doubt Proton would comment on this issue since he has to face his own problems. However, I am looking forward to its coming model...the MPV if i m not mistaken.

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